704-986-2455    |    Login   |    Register     Bellows Calculator

Sold separately: Order 2 Bellows to cover rail as shown

    Unit of Measure: MILLIMETERS

  • Bellows: Bellows Model
  • Size: Rail Size
  • Min: Is the first number set after the Size
  • Max: Is the second number set after the Size
  • Middle: Choose option if shown in part number
  • Hi-Temp: Choose option if shown in part number
Bellows Parameters ?

Unit of Measure: MILLIMETERS

  • OP: Open Pitch is measured from the top (peak) of a fold to the top (peak) of the next fold when the bellows is at our maximum extended length.
  • Pitch: As measured from the bottom (valley) of the fold to the top (peak)
  • New Min: Actual Minimum length of the bellows when compressed
  • New Min MB: Actual Minimum length of the Middle bellows when compressed
  • New Max: Actual Maximum length of the bellows when compressed
  • New Max MB: Actual Maximum length of the Middle bellows when compressed
  • S: Stroke Length is the distance the Block(s) will travel
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